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Top questions to ask during a university campus Open Day

EHL Insights
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As a prospective university student, you can choose from over 24,000 schools around the world. Of course, you will narrow down this extensive list to a top few choices and then visit the campus during the university’s Open Day.

Maximize the day when you ask questions that help you discover more details about the school and ensure it’s a good fit for you.

The Admissions Process

Meet with the admissions counselor to discuss details about the university’s entrance requirements.

  1. What’s the application deadline? Is it better to apply early?
  2. What academic requirements do I need to get into the school?
  3. Are there any non-academic experiences that would improve my application?
  4. Which entrance exams should I take?
  5. What criteria is used to determine my acceptance?
  6. How much is the application fee?
  7. Is it okay to take a gap year before I attend this university?

The Courses

Because you’ll spend the next few years taking classes and studying, learn as much as possible about the courses.

  1. What courses are offered and how many will I take each semester?
  2. Do the classes prepare me adequately for my future career?
  3. Is the university accredited by professional organizations?
  4. Are classes offered in a traditional classroom on campus, in a location off-campus or online?
  5. Do the professors use teaching methods that fit my learning style?
  6. What assessment tools are used?
  7. What projects will I be responsible to complete?
  8. What’s the balance between in-class work and practical application?
  9. What grades do I have to achieve to pass the class?
  10. Are tutors available if I need extra help?

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Potential Employability

After studying for years at the university, you want some guarantee that you can find a job in your field, whether you study business or hotel management.

  1. How will this university make me more employable?
  2. Is job placement offered?
  3. How often are job fairs held?
  4. Does the university offer career guidance, counseling or other assistance?
  5. What jobs have previous graduates landed?
  6. What are alumni doing five years after they graduate?


British statistician Sir Claus Moser affirmed that "Education costs money, but then so does ignorance." Discuss specific costs with the university’s finance department as you devise a plan to afford your education.

  1. How much does the university cost each year?
  2. What’s the actual breakdown of costs for classes, housing and other expenses?
  3. Is financial aid available? What about scholarships or grants?
  4. When are the financial aid applications due?
  5. Can I work part-time?
  6. When are payments due?

Resident Life

Whether you live on or off campus with roommates, family or alone, tour the dorms, dining room, gym and other facilities to discover details about resident life.

  1. What is dorm life like - the rules, layout, security, noise level, amenities?
  2. Are the dorms close to university facilities?
  3. What facilities do the university offer?
  4. How do I chose a roommate?
  5. Can I stay in the dorm during school breaks and between semesters
  6. Can I decide to live off-campus?

Student Experiences

Most Open Day events allow you to talk to current students and ask frank questions as you gain an accurate view of the university.

  1. Why did you pick this university?
  2. What are the best and worst things about the university?
  3. How easy/hard are the courses in your opinion?
  4. Do you have enough support from the professors, resident assistants and other staff?
  5. What clubs and activities are available during the school week and on weekends?
  6. What shops, activities and social events are available nearby?
  7. How did you handle culture shock when you first started school?

Your Open Day experience includes a campus tour and the chance to ask administrators, professors, staff and students a variety of questions. You can then go home and ask: “Can I imagine myself at this university?” This question may be one of the most important ones you ask as you decide which university is the best fit for you.

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